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Kate Mechedou


Hello! After 15 years producing site specific work, daily, for the Historic Royal Palaces,  I have developed a unique understanding of the tools necessary for the most effective 'guerilla street theatre'. Specifically I have analysed interactions and formatted training, enabling performers to lead the journey of Visitor to Audience and from Audience to Participant in the drama. I am keen to explore how this method can create true community cohesion in Chatham High Street. Here is an image from one of my projects as Creative Director of Past Pleasures Ltd. The company specialises in historically themed performances.

Roseliska - Napoleonic Prisoner of War melodrama, Portchester Castle 1810

I directed this co-production project has just been announced as the winner of the 2019 AHI Award (Events and Activities).








Mrs. Bakers Medway Theatre Company: The Vision
With this new company I wish to move away from historical themes, costume and language and set all performances firmly in the modern world, working in the modern idiom. However, staying true to the format of eighteenth century theatrical practices - seats on the stage, breaks between acts - for a variety turn entirely unrelated to the main plot, or for a 'BGT' style talent competition as part of the action. 

Watch this space for the development of  our Corporate entertainment offers, High Street 'Wow moments' and full shows inside and outside exciting Medway venues.

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